I’m in Brisbane. Yesterday I moved back into my room after being ‘roomless’ but not homeless for three weeks. I love having my own space. It didn’t take long to set my room up and make it ‘mine’ again. I quickly filled it with my favourite books, art supplies, photographic prints for the walls and a few memory holding objects that had been stored in the garage.
For a while I rebelled against keeping any kind of non-useful object (a difficult head space to be in considering as an artist I make objects that could be considered non-useful) but I’m realizing that for me these items are containers for memories, reminders of ideals or carriers of something intangible to be held onto. I only have a few on display - a small plastic coated photograph depicting a typical scene in Berlin given to me by my Berlin sister, a key chain with the virgin Mary on it, two small Ganesh statues (one purchased in India, the other purchased in Germany), a handmade box filled with stones and shells and a few other personal items to remind me of what’s important. What each object carries within it is only for me to know.