Image: 'Looking Up', view from the balcony of my temporary home in Berlin
Initially, I'd intended to settle in Frankfurt but after a week quickly discovered it was not for me. I headed off to Poland for more adventure. Last week I arrived in Berlin (my excuse being that it is easier to get to Berlin from Warsaw than to Frankfurt) and I fell in love. The street art, the (alternative) lifestyle/s, the galleries, the fact I can not speak the language and the friendly people have led to a love affair and I'm not leaving... for a while anyway.
My plan is to stay here for four months and begin some new creative experiments both with photography and also with mixed media and paint. Berlin is the perfect place to find inspiration. I am also finishing a small writing course that I began too long ago.
I have a hunger for adventure now and sitting still no longer feels right for me so I'm sure it is going to be a very exciting and productive four months!
so happy for you, that you're finding your trip so fulfilling :) beautiful photo as always also x
Love the view from your balcony
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