At dusk yesterday, I felt a stronger than usual urge to go for a walk with my camera. Perhaps it was a smell in the air, a feeling in the atmosphere, intuition or just restlessness but something was saying to me 'you have to be out there'.
With a vague idea of heading towards Biesdorf, a neighboring village I pass on the way to central Berlin, I began walking. Mostly I let my legs lead the way trusting my intuition.
The light was beautiful. It had been raining earlier in the day, there were puddles everywhere and a light fog. I began shooting intuitively not really looking for shots but feeling them instead. I intended to take the images home to study what it was I saw/ felt when I was in that moment.
I'd been chasing a tiny patch of illusive fog in some grass when I spied this field from a distance. It was one of those moments where my breath just left me.
I think I even gasped out loud.
I love the first one with the gate - just stunning - the colour, the composition, everything. Love it.
Just beautiful. :-)
I'm speechless. Your pictures really capture the feelings you described. Thanks for sharing!
wow Rachel. Just..... wow.
My favourite is the one with the gate. I am enjoying reading your blog.
isn't it amazing how you tend to discover images that are reflective of where you are at at the time.......a new entrance into the unknown...the fork in the road..you know what i mean...absolutely beautiful work Rach!
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